Instant Impact with SMS Marketing

Quickly grab your customer with Addigram Advanced SMS Marketing Service forest. Connect one-to-one way — direct and personal, so your messages not just land…but stick with your customers to deliver immediate actions and long-lasting experiences.

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SMS Marketing Overview

The Power of SMS Marketing

It has maintained its spot as one of the most powerful weapons in an arsenal even though the role of digital technology has made everything prompt for years. SMS Marketing done right is able to provide an immediacy and a degree of personalization that far outweighs all other mainstream marketing channels, stand along with alternative technologies whose audiences we found three noteworthy attributes listed below. We help grow your business by providing SMS Marketing services from Addigram that allows you to follow up with customers where they are, based on the right message and at the right time for them, to drive action and establish lifelong customer relationships.

Why SMS Marketing?

  • Unmatched Open Rates: While Emails remain one of the most cost-effective channels to acquire and retain your users, Text messages are like an extra bonus (98% Open Rate) with get noticed faster.


  • A personal Touch: Better customer relations, higher response rates — messages are direct and one on one


  • SMS messages are instant; they reach your market faster than any billboard ad, radio commercial or handbill you can think of. Issues that are easily forgotten after a day or two? SMS texting will help to keep forewarned!

Our Technology

Our state-of-the-art SMS platform offers robust features that empower your campaigns:

Advanced SMS Platform

  • The Robust SMS Platform: LET BALSMS works on the most advanced messaging platform so that your campaigns can work smarter.


  • Text message broadcast: This is where messages automatically broadcast to customers based on their behaviour and preferences so that the right messaging hits at the best time.


  • Enhanced Integration Options: We can plug into the top-rated CRM systems, syncing your customer data and ensuring the cohesive communication of your brand across channels.


  • Advanced Analytics Dashboard: Track campaign performance for message delivery, open rates or even the number of recipients who completed a desired action with real-time insights. They utilize this for refining the campaign tactics and yield better ROI as the time proceeds.

We offer SMS Marketing Services You Access to

  • Strategic Development: We design strategies that match neatly into your current marketing mix.


  • Writing Creative Messaging: you will create short texting SMS headlines and copy to something like engage/convert.


  • Key Email Marketing Trends That Will Continue into 2020— Audience Segmentation Emails triggered on her interests and what she does as a whole, per database segment.


  • Permission: Every time you send out a message, it must be entirely permission- based and therefore without danger regarding the consumer’s image of your brand.


  • Analytics & Reporting: AI driven analytics for in-depth insights into campaigns and Areas of improvement

Getting Started with SMS Marketing

  • Initial Consultation: Work with our SMS marketing consultants to establish your objectives & explain the plan.


  • Easy Integration: Our team installs and integrates SMS technology smoothly with your marketing systems.


  • Executions Management :We start and manage with comprehensive data performance, contains changes bearding the result(Process) supporters go live and support.

Why Partner with Addigram for Your SMS Marketing?

Once you choose Addigram for your SMS marketing tool, you will be able to reach your customers with much higher efficiency and watch them engage in a way and rate you never experienced anywhere else. Why Addigrams Births Out of The SMS Marketing Room

Expertise in Precision Targeting:

Custom Segmentation

By leveraging robust data analytics, we divide your audience with incredible accuracy to send each message to the ideal recipient at the optimal point in time. This means you can make your campaigns more relevant and therefore more effective.


High Performance Technology:

Advanced Delivery Platforms

Our enterprise grade SMS platforms, high delivery rates and blazing fast deliveries ensure that your campaigns operate seamlessly and efficiently.

Real-Time Analytics

Real-time data about campaign performance and open rates, responses, and conversions This allows for real-time optimization and strategy tweaking on verifiable information.


Seamless Integration and Compliance:

Topology Neutrality with Compliance:


CRM Integration


The SMS product suite complements existing CRM solutions providing fully synced marketing and unified customer interaction views


Compliance with All Rules


In each SMS marketing campaign, we make sure to follow all legal guidelines such as GDPR and TCPA which on one hand protect your business, while ensuring trust with customers at the same time.

Dedicated Support and Strategy Development:

Personalized Service:

Each client receives personalized guidance from our experienced marketing professionals who help develop strategies that align with specific business goals.

Continuous Support: 

Our team is available to assist you throughout your campaign, from setup to execution to post-campaign analysis, ensuring you have expert help every step of the way.

FAQs about SMM Services

SMS marketing is used to send promotional or transactional messages to the end customers who have given their permission of receiving it over phone esteemed traffic but for good, these are mostly considered as SMS. The letters from here are mostly to convey promotions, news or notice for those who have signed up your business.

Texting take immediate conveying of the message as well as texts enjoy higher opening rates, which is why working in the realm of SMS marketing is too effective. SMS has an open rate of around 98% and the majority are read within just a few minutes, which has meant that it’s one of the most straight-forward customer engagement methods.


When combined with other marketing channels like email, social media and even direct mail, SMS marketing can be a powerful part of your multi-channel marketing strategy. This integration simply pushed a campaign, However it helped to remind your message again and again on different platforms that increases the effectiveness of overall campaign.

In general, SMS campaigns with time-sensitive promotions, personalized offers or essential alerts convert really well. The tip of the iceberg is to use short and precise messages, putting it up in bold with a CTA. The Impact of Personalization Using personalization can increase the rate of response by making messages more relevant to each recipient.

And the answer is — when used properly, SMS marketing is 100% compliant with all privacy laws, including GDPR (for EU), TCPA and many others. This means getting explicit opt in before sending SMS and providing an easy way to opt out of every message, as well as ensuring that all data is handled correctly.

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to the next level.